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Since this procedure will result in a scar perpendicular to the rear of the arm, it is only recommended for suitable patients with advanced deformity and sagging. Arm lift surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia.
Skin and fat tissue are extracted through a long ellipse on the inside and back of the arm. The incision is sewn up with esthetic sutures in two layers, from the inside and outside, and the arms are wrapped in an elastic bandage. The patient can return home the same day. Patients are advised to keep their arms elevated, particularly for the first few days after surgery. Sutures are removed after 12-14 days, or not at all if biodegradable sutures are used. The patients can resume day-to-day activities after a few days.
Sagging in the upper arms may develop as a result of constant weight gain and loss, ageing and genetic structure. Exercises will help to strengthen your arms and develop your arm muscles, but they are no use to skin that has lost elasticity and has accumulated fat. If your arms are also sagging, then arm lift surgery is ideal for you.
Thanks to Arm Lift Surgery;
You can eliminate excess fat accumulating from the armpit to the elbow.
You can have tighter and smooth arms.
You can have a more dynamic and better proportioned body.
Am I suitable for this operation?
Suitable patients for this operation;
Are middle aged individuals with sagging arm skin,
Middle aged people at a steady weight,
Non-smokers and
People with realistic expectations.

You will be given drugs during the operation to help you relax. General or local anesthesia can be administered. Your doctor will suggest the most suitable option.

The surgical incision is generally made from the inner part of your arm, or from the back (as your doctor prefers), from the armpit to the elbow. Surgical incisions are closed either with biodegradable sutures or cosmetic sutures. These are removed after a check-up at 1-2 weeks. Although there may be swelling or bruising in your arms after surgery, the results are visible.

Infection is treated with antibiotics, and if abscess sets in this is drained, but this may prolong the length of hospitalization. Delayed or poor wound healing may be seen, and may end in wound scarring. A second operation may be required in that event. Skin loss and wound healing complications are more common in smokers.